John Bleasby
Episode Title: Green Building or Greenwashing? What You Need to Know, With John Bleasby - Ep 48
Elise Strobach
Episode Title: The Magic of Aerogel: Insulating Space Shuttles, Electric Cars, and Glass! With Elise Strobach - Ep 47
Benjamin Markham
Sound Matters: The Impact of Acoustics in Building Design with Benjamin Markham - Ep. 44
Debra Shepard
Sustainability Secrets: Insights from a Green Building Guru with Debra Shepard - Ep 43
Dr. Glen Jeffery
The Dark Side of LEDs: Health Implications Explored - with Dr Glen Jeffery - Ep 42
Tony Bouquot
Revolutionizing Architecture: The Metal Building Boom with Tony Bouquot - Ep 41
VELUX - Lone Feifer and Jens Christoffersen
Illuminating the Future: Natural Light, Sustainability, and Innovation with VELUX - Ep 40
Dr. Martin Moore-Ede
LED Lights and Your Health: Separating Fact from Fiction with Dr. Martin Moore-Ede - Ep 39
Ken Levenson
Unlocking the Secrets to Beautiful, Energy-Efficient Buildings - with Ken Levenson - Ep. 37
Sam Rashkin
Rethinking Residential: Sam Rashkin’s Journey to Housing 2.0 - With Sam Rashkin - Ep. 34
Sahar Abdelwahab
Sustainable Facades and Daylight Dynamics - With Sahar Abdelwahab - Ep. 33
Julian Pastore & Bryce Jarman
Luxury Meets Legacy: Volvo’s Commitment to Sustainability- With Julian Pastor & Bryce Jarman- Ep. 32